As a part of nature mankind's marks and patterns are based on the right angle, square, rectangle, grids; forms that are essentially oppositional in nature. These marks and patterns are seen everywhere in human constructions. Growth forms operate differently with patterns and marks of threes, fives. These patterns are more influential rather than oppositional. My work mostly is comprised of growth forms which arise from the quiddity of clay, which in its raw state is a flowing form. Seldom will there appear the marks of man unless these marks are being subsumed by more organic forms arising from the process of formation.
I like to draw on the surface of my forms. These drawings arise from the dynamics and stresses inherent in the form itself.
Clay and it's demands are the subject of my work.
Visits to my studio may be arranged by advance appointment.
To do this call (575) 289-2417 (land line) and leave a message on the machine making certain to say your purpose and the best time to call you. I will call you back.
A message may be sent on line with studio visit in the subject bar at
Exhibits: Recent Past and Current
"Curl" purchased by the city of ABQ. Installed on the 7th floor of the new City Hall.
"Nehebkau" purchased by the NM Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art Program. To be installed in the new tower of UNMH.
Five installations on the grounds of the Abiquiu Inn until May 2025.
"Jagat" installed at the entrance of the Taos Ceramics Center, current.
is located in Cuba, NM. Here I host an on-going sculpture site of constant and intermittent changing of work, the MUDWASPSTUDIO is a drive-by experience viewed from your vehicle.